Photo tips for the Groom

Because I hate reading a long post and I like getting straight to the point here is a list of photo tips from the groom’s I have worked with before. Keeping in mind these few tips will help create a perfect day and great pictures forever!
Enjoy this time with your bride!
A lot of our grooms tend to be nervous or uncomfortable in front of the camera. We will do our best to keep you laughing, just remember that your emotion will shine through! Just relax and have a good time! It’s worth it!
Crazy Socks
Bring a pair of crazy socks or have your groomsmen wear undershirts with their favorite superhero or sports team! The more creative you get, the more your personality will show in your photos!
Your Facial expression
More than likely one of the things your bride will be looking forward to the most on your wedding day is your face when you see her for the first time….make it special! But also remember your kids will see it one day.
Be on time!
Be sure that you and your groomsmen know the timeline and arrive ON TIME! Let’s be honest, guys can be worse than girls at times. So make sure you and your groomsmen have your boutonnieres pinned on BEFORE it’s time to begin photos and just be there, even if you have to wait for the bridesmaids.
Putting on the ring
Be sure to carefully position your hands when putting on the ring during the ceremony as to not block the “ring shot”! Trust us, she will want it. Pss… remember what hand it goes on.
Smile! It’s for more than just a photo
When walking down the aisle, be sure to keep your head up and SMILE! Throw a fist bump or steal a little kiss! You just married the love of your life!
Play with the crowd
When throwing the garter, don’t rush! Take some time to “play” with the crowd–it’ll allow us some time to set up the shot and catch the official “toss”!
Get your dip on
Practice laughing together, the “infamous” dip photo, and just kissing on command! Remember when you kiss to close those eyes and relax those lips! Avoid fish lips!
Show your love!
Get close! When you stand next to each other, you should always be touching! Wrap your arms around each other or hold hands! Even a few inches of space looks like a wide gap in a picture! Your closeness and love for each other will shine through! Expect to kiss and love on each other a lot!
Our number one rule
Our number one rule for all of our sessions is to simply RELAX and have some fun! Try not to show up overwhelmed and stressed. Our goal is to capture you right where you are! Often times candid photos end up being favorites over a more posed, “looking at the camera” one! Be prepared to play, act silly, and love on each other!
If you have any questions reach out to us on social media! Instagram or Facebook.