Formal Wedding Group Photo List – Every Portrait You Want

We know your wedding is probably going to be the busiest, most exciting, and the one day you would actually remember in your lifetime. As you start planning for your wedding we want to help you out by giving you a starting place for all your family group photos.
Extended Family Portrait list
We recommend limiting formal portraits to small groups of immediate family only and one large group of extended family
- Full extended family on both sides
- Bride’s extended family
- Groom’s extended family
Once the big family pictures are over you can then dismissed them to rest and enjoy the reception — that way you can enjoy some more time with the closer members of your family.
Close Family Photo list
- Bride and grandparents
- Bride and Grandmother, with Mother (generations photo) and Daughter(s) if applicable
- Groom and Grandparents
- Groom and Grandfather, with Father (generations photo) and son(s) if applicable
At this point, the grandparents are all done and can enjoy the reception. Up next we have the bride’s immediate family photos followed by the grooms. After the last photo, the Brides family can go enjoy the reception, and then it’s the groom’s turn.
Immediate Family Photo list
- Bride and Mother
- Bride and father
- Bride and Parents
- Bride and Parents with stepparents (if applicable)
- Bride, Parents, Siblings
- Bride, Siblings
- Bride, Each Sibling Individually
- Bride, Groom, Parents on both sides
At this point, the Bride’s family is dismissed to rest and enjoy the reception, while we take the grooms families photos.
- Groom and Mother
- Groom and Father
- Groom and Parents
- Groom and Parents with Stepparents( if applicable)
- Groom, Parents, Siblings
- Groom, Siblings
- Groom, Each Sibling Individually
- Portraits of bride and groom
That is it! Sounds easy right? As long as you have a solid list of what you want, and go from the most amount of people to the least it should take about 15 mins at the most. We want your day to be more than just a photoshoot, we want you to have as much fun as you can and we will just be there to document it. Check out more on what we have to offer.